How the Frank Williams Academy will transform lives

Published on
07 Jul 2023
Est. reading time
3 Min

The Spinal Injuries Association and their Vice President, Claire Williams, are honouring Sir Frank’s legacy through the Frank Williams Academy

Since launching on April 19 earlier this year, the Frank Williams Academy (FWA) has already begun the process of transforming the lives of people living with a spinal cord injury.
Spinal cord injuries are life-changing, but they needn’t be life limiting. Sir Frank was paralysed in a car accident at the age of 44, but he would continue to achieve so much as one of the most successful Team Principals in the history of Formula 1.
Many others who sustain a spinal cord injury are not given the chance to live a fulfilled life with hope, purpose and dignity.
Frank was aware of this and supported the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) throughout his life to change this situation and we are immensely proud to carry his baton forward.
He used his platform and influence to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people with spinal cord injuries and to advocate for better treatment and support for this population.
His daughter, Claire Williams, is continuing this legacy, working with the SIA on an appeal to raise £1.5m to launch and establish the Academy during its early years. The FWA focuses on education, training, research and development to improve the lives of people with spinal cord injury
It aims to equip health and care professionals with expertise to provide safe and appropriate care.
The FWA will champion best practice, raise national standards and build an evidence base to influence long-term change.
Through user-led research & development, the FWA will give a person with a spinal cord injury a voice to influence and improve training and education.
Williams Racing are proud supporters of the FWA and are delighted to be honouring Sir Frank’s life by helping to provide fundamental education, care and support to change the lives of people affected by spinal cord injuries. We will continue to support and follow the work of the FWA in the coming years.
Speaking of the FWA, Nik Harley, CEO, Spinal Injuries Association, said: “The launch of the Frank Williams Academy is momentous, not only for SIA but for spinal cord injured people across the UK.
“Inspired by Sir Frank’s success and motivated by the challenges he faced, the vision is to completely transform the availability of specialist expertise in health and care so that anyone anywhere has the best chance of a fulfilled life after injury.
“Sir Frank was the living example of such a life. We’re so grateful to his daughter, our amazing Vice President, Claire Williams and to Williams Racing for backing this.”
Quality education, care and support enabled Sir Frank to achieve so much. But so many in the UK don’t get the help and support he did.
Through the FWA, many more people living with spinal cord injuries will be able to realise their dreams.
To support and learn more about the FWA as well as donate towards the £1.5m target, head to the FWA JustGiving page here.

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